
Science For Everyone


Saturday, December 30, 2006
Food Additive and their Effects on Human Health - #1
Food additives are natural and synthetic chemicals that help preserve, color, and flavour food. Over 2500 substances are added to the foods we eat during their growth, processing and packaging. These additives are subjected to extremely careful laboratory screening before they are used, and scientists believe that it is unlikely that they contribute significantly to the overall cancer risk in humans.
There is wide held belief that food additives are the cause of many skin problems. The evidence, however, that food additives cause skin problems is weak. Even foods themselves seldom cause problems.
Food additives are natural or artificial substances that may be added to food in small quantities to perform specific functions. These include:

1.To prevent food spoilage and maintain freshness - extend shelf life (antioxidant to retard the onset of rancidity) and ensure microbiological
safety (preservatives to control microorganisms);
2.To assist the processing or preparation of food- facilitate processing (emulsifiers, anti caking agents);
3.To enhance the flavour or appearance of food - enhance appetite and taste (flavoring, coloring substances).
4.To improve or maintain nutritional value- improve nutritional value (trace mineral and vitamin fortification)
The main reason for using food additives is to keep food fresh and consistent in quality. Without food additives, food would quickly spoil as the shelf life would be much shorter and it might even pose a health hazard. Some additives are essential for the creation of the product, e.g. carbon dioxide to give the fizz in fizzy drinks, or raising agents in cakes.
Out of these food additives, there are some natural and synthetic additives which are classified as good additive since they do not exhibit any adverse effects on the humans. However there are some additives, which are mainly synthetic, used as Food additives which may have detrimental effects on the human body.
Our attempt is to highlight some of these products which should serve as guideline -
posted by Ajitkumar Wagle @ Saturday, December 30, 2006   0 comments
Friday, December 22, 2006
Effect of Chemicals on Human Beings
There are chemicals and chemicals and chemicals, in fact we are all surrounded by chemicals.The food that we take contain Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals etc, the air we breath and the water that we drink are all chemicals either in the elementary form or in compound state.These are all essential things for our body and so are considered as useful chemicals or compounds. However, there are other chemicals which are either detrimental or having adverse effect on, either the environment in which we live or, the living organisms. Such chemicals are known as Hazardous chemicals which create either a direct or indirect effect on our body. These hazardous chemicals or compounds get access to our body either through Skin absorption or Inhalation or by Ingestion.

Our attempt is to highlight products in our daily use which may be containing chemicals that may be having adverse effect on our body. The adverse effect or the toxicity of such chemicals vary with the individuals. Remember this is just a partial list of the tens of thousands of synthetic chemicals in common everyday use !
To name the few –

1.Toothpaste - Conventional toothpastes contain artificial sweeteners like Saccharin, Sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS), Synthetic colours ,flavours, and Polysorbate 80 which may be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, a carcinogen. Almost all conventional brands contain fluoride. which may cause problems for some sensitive people It also contains Triclosan which possesses mostly antibacterial , antifungal and antiviral properties Studies have increasingly linked Triclosan to a range of health and environmental effects, from skin irritation, allergy susceptibility, bacterial and compounded antibiotic resistant. With all these, the toothpaste is and will always remain on top in our daily priority list. The effects of the ingredients therein are broadly unfounded and unconfirmed and may be expressed as probable fears.
2.Lotion, Cream, Moisturizer - Lotions are basically a mixture of water and oil, with an emulsifier added to keep the product from separating. PEG(Polyethylene Glycol) is the most common emulsifier in hand lotions. It can be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, a carcinogen. TEA(Triethanolamine ) is also used and has been found to be a frequent sensitizer, and cause of contact dermatitis. Parabens are commonly used as preservatives. Lanolin is often found in lotions. An animal product, it can be contaminated with pesticides and some people are sensitive to it. Therefore the use of lotions, creams and moisturizers is left to individual’s discretion subject to one’s sensitivity which varies from person to person.
3.Deodorants - Deodorants fight odour by inhibiting the growth of bacteria which cause odour. They include Room freshners , Urinal and Toilet Bowl cleaners. The main constituent is 1,4 Di-chloro Benzene – a white powder with a distinctive aroma of a moth ball. High exposure to this chemical may cause reduction in pulmonary and lung functions. Triclosan, an anti-bacterial agent used in many deodorants, can be absorbed through the skin and has caused liver damage in some lab animals. Considering the end use of these deodorants and the contact time with the human being during the usage, it is advisable to keep a proper check as it is feared that at times even a low level might cause respiratory problem with certain individuals.
4.Antiperspirant Antiperspirants actually stop perspiration by blocking the pores. The active ingredient in antiperspirants is Aluminum Chlorhydrate (AlCl3 . 6H2O), This compound closes sweat ducts in the skin, reducing perspiration. It also kills bacteria in perspiration, eliminating body odor. Much controversy surrounds the use of Aluminum in most conventional antiperspirants. Aluminum may be involved in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Since the antiperspirants are sprayed under the armpit, the Aluminium salts can pass easily through skin and may develop breast cancer. Some health advocates argue that blocking pores prevents the body from eliminating toxins and can cause ill-health, but this theory remains unproven and controversial. Aluminum-based compounds are also one of the main causes of skin irritation in antiperspirant users However all these the fears are still unconfirmed by scientific research on humans
5. Shampoo - Shampoos cause the most number of adverse reactions of all hair care products which vary with the individuals.They frequently contain harsh detergents, chemical fragrances and numerous irritating and carcinogenic compounds including sodium lauryl sulfate/sodium laureth sulfate (irritant, can form carcinogenic nitrosamines), DEA, TEA, MEA (hormone disruptors, can release carcinogenic nitrosamines), Polyethylene glycol (irritant), coal tar (carcinogenic), Propylene glycol (neurotoxin, dermatitis, liver and kidney damage), and EDTA(irritant).
The above information is given to serve as guideline only.. The actual number of ingredients and their % varies with the manufacturer. For all practical purposes, the label of the manufacturer on the product giving details of the ingredient therein should be a correct criteria.
posted by Ajitkumar Wagle @ Friday, December 22, 2006   0 comments
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Select your own Favourite Drink
There is an article in Mumbai Mirror which has given comparison of various alcoholic drinks with their merits and demerits
Boozers can now have their selection as per their temperament.
Good luck !

For detailed Reading Refer - "WHAT IS YOUR POISON?" in Mumbai Mirror of Times of India dated 20.12.2006
posted by Ajitkumar Wagle @ Wednesday, December 20, 2006   0 comments
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