
Science For Everyone


Saturday, December 30, 2006
Food Additive and their Effects on Human Health - #1
Food additives are natural and synthetic chemicals that help preserve, color, and flavour food. Over 2500 substances are added to the foods we eat during their growth, processing and packaging. These additives are subjected to extremely careful laboratory screening before they are used, and scientists believe that it is unlikely that they contribute significantly to the overall cancer risk in humans.
There is wide held belief that food additives are the cause of many skin problems. The evidence, however, that food additives cause skin problems is weak. Even foods themselves seldom cause problems.
Food additives are natural or artificial substances that may be added to food in small quantities to perform specific functions. These include:

1.To prevent food spoilage and maintain freshness - extend shelf life (antioxidant to retard the onset of rancidity) and ensure microbiological
safety (preservatives to control microorganisms);
2.To assist the processing or preparation of food- facilitate processing (emulsifiers, anti caking agents);
3.To enhance the flavour or appearance of food - enhance appetite and taste (flavoring, coloring substances).
4.To improve or maintain nutritional value- improve nutritional value (trace mineral and vitamin fortification)
The main reason for using food additives is to keep food fresh and consistent in quality. Without food additives, food would quickly spoil as the shelf life would be much shorter and it might even pose a health hazard. Some additives are essential for the creation of the product, e.g. carbon dioxide to give the fizz in fizzy drinks, or raising agents in cakes.
Out of these food additives, there are some natural and synthetic additives which are classified as good additive since they do not exhibit any adverse effects on the humans. However there are some additives, which are mainly synthetic, used as Food additives which may have detrimental effects on the human body.
Our attempt is to highlight some of these products which should serve as guideline -
posted by Ajitkumar Wagle @ Saturday, December 30, 2006  
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